Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Multicultural response

Firstly, is the term multicultural a misnomer to some extent? In the case of the article, most books put under this categorization were cultural yes, but also specific. I suppose the term was in reference to collections of books and learning as a whole? If a book did have multiple cultures involved in it I get the feeling it would be called "cross-cultural". The themes roused from the reading seem sort of like curricular leitmotifs, or concepts we've been investigating since Intro and will continue to investigate throughout our teacher education program. This article delves a bit more deeply into personal and culturally based connections in education and their importance. Teaching culturally relevant texts, as we have learned, is highly beneficial, as is introducing other cultures for the sake of tolerance and social empathy. What I liked most about this reading was the attention to group comparisons and learning, a more whole and collective learning and teaching experience. I think our own program has made strides towards this method. In general, I think cooperative methods such as the ones described int he reading can help students and former teachers to better connect with each other and the subject matter as well. 

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