Thursday, September 15, 2011

Cloud Visuality

   Working from the idea of the Cyborg as my main big idea, I moved to explore themes like cybernetic, humanity, humans and technology, humans and robots, robot communities, prosthesis, artificial intelligence, humanoid, technology and community. Above are examples of my most successful cloud searches.


 Most people think of artificial limbs, such as leg,
when they hear the word prosthesis. And a large part of
what I found in temrs of images was true to that conception.
Other images though, showed a connection between technology
and prosthesis, special effects and prosthesis, community and
prosthesis, and just some generally less thought of parts
involving prosthetic. I search prosthesis out of the connection
between the artificial and human, part of the cyborg idea.                                          Artificial Intelligence

                                         Artificial intelligence also brought me to a lot of images of robotics. This extended to things that were designed, involved computing, and in one case were of a learning robot prototype, called Asimo, produced by Honda.


 Most of the images I came across had to do with community, how people connect, in some cases on a large scale. Some other images seemed to point out the funny quirks that humanity has.

Human robot

I was hoping to find images that showed a direct link between humans and robots, and that's more or less what happened. I found images of networks and circuitry, of robotic and human hands juxtaposed, of the computer like network of nerve points on the human body, and an image of the book out of which modern cybernetics ideas generated from.

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