Friday, March 30, 2012


Well, browsing the internet for views or approaches to assessment in art, it seems what we've been using in class is in the forefront. What came up immediately were Beatie articles and our class textbook. I'm not certain what else to put here, I didn't find anything that seemed useful that we hadn't already covered in class.

I will say that I like the idea of using reflexive video as a form of assessment for student, where they would reflect and write feedback on their performance/success based on what they see in video. This would be impractical to do for each lesson, but maybe twice a year.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Game Presentations

All of the games from class today were really well thought out. I thought ours had valid categories but agree that the art history/style part could've been made part of a broader category. Danielle's group  was the only game to involved assessment, which I thought was useful.

Friday, March 9, 2012


      Tied to discussions on assessment, from Goshen:
Has some templates and useful guiding strategies, similar to what we discuss with observation and interpretation in Bloom's Taxonomy. The language used though is curiously "feeling" heavy, working off of empathy which is where I think our program turns away from depending on for the basis of critique.

Below is another students video on critique

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Personal Research

               My project last semester dealing with personal narrative was only so successful, but I think having that prior experience will help me for this project. I have more of an idea of what I want to work with, teacher interaction with students and the idea of the "teacher voice". I'm not sure where this footage is going to come from though. I'm thinking of combining what I have from Disabilities Studies with some clips from fieldwork? And tomorrow I'm going to capture myself doing a reflexive monologue.